The Joy of Animation
Cardiff Animation Festival (CAF) celebrates the diverse beauty of animation. Established in 2018, the event has grown into a highlight on every animation-lover’s calendar. This year’s edition followed in the footsteps of the hybrid format, which began in 2022. Attendees
5 Films for Earth Day
We dig into the Film Library to share five thought-provoking films that explore our relationship nature.
The Story of Aesthetica Film Festival: Part 2
Our journey continues with bigger and bolder ideas to celebrate screen-based storytelling. We strive to create the best festival experience with opportunities like our pitching sessions and Games Lab. What will the future hold? 2018: A Meeting Place As audiences were growing, the
The Story of Aesthetica Film Festival: Part 1
What was Aesthetica’s staring point? How has the festival evolved over time? Where next? Learn more as we take you on a journey through time. Part 1 recaps highlights from each season of cinema right alongside every year's Best of Fest. 2011: The
Heartfelt Dramas
With winter upon us, what better way to light the fires of creative inspiration than delving into the ASFF library? From disturbing class-driven thrillers to tragi-comic stories of pesky technology to harrowing tales of guilt and sorrow, we’ve found five
5 ASFF Films for Winter
We select five brilliant wintery shorts from our collection for you to enjoy, ranging from fashion to animation.
Striking Film Posters: ASFF Dramas
What makes a good movie poster? We dig into the ASFF film library to analyse five shorts with captivating artwork.