The Joy of Animation
Cardiff Animation Festival (CAF) celebrates the diverse beauty of animation. Established in 2018, the event has grown into a highlight on every animation-lover’s calendar. This year’s edition followed in the footsteps of the hybrid format, which began in 2022. Attendees
Meet the Vanguard of Documentary Filmmaking
The Listening Pitch is a cinematic exploration of the unheard. For the past four years, Aesthetica and Audible have come together to offer a £20,000 grant for filmmakers to make a documentary about the power of listening. This year’s theme
Award-Winning Drama Shorts from the Festival
Strap in for a trip down memory lane! Today we’re cruising back through the amazing drama shorts that have won in this category throughout the years. From broken relationships to beauty pageants, which one is your favourite? The Golden West (2023)Tom Berkeley
Studio Spotlight: Failbetter Games
Plunge into the depths of Fallen London, the Gothic world of mystery and shadow created by Failbetter Games. We were thrilled to have the indie game developer’s Gothic romance game, The Mask of the Rose, as part of our first-ever Games Lab last
Filmmaker Focus: Aleksandra Kingo
An Ode to Procrastination is Aleksandra Kingo’s tribute to the struggle faced by many creatives. The idea stemmed from personal experience and grew into a tongue-in-cheek short film that explores how avoiding our desire to make art often serves as