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ASFF 2023: Inspiring Artists’ Film Masterclasses

The creative process of making a film becomes richer when various disciplines come together. Besides a selection of guest speakers from the industry, ASFF gives a platform to world-class artists to bring in their expertise and shed light on their perspectives. Here are five inspiring masterclasses to look forward to at this year’s festival. Aesthetica Film Festival runs from 8-12 November in York, UK.

Please purchase a festival pass before booking masterclasses, since you will need a valid reference number.

Youth, Rave, Pop Culture: Mark Leckey & The Art of Montage

In 1999, Mark Leckey (b. 1964) released Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore, a film about Britain’s underground club scene. His career is rooted in the experience of growing up in Britain from the 1970s to the 1990s. In 2008, he won the Turner Prize and today he is one of the art world’s most influential names. Join Mark Leckey in conversation with Sarah Perks for a nostalgia-steeped talk about how to depict youth, rave and pop cultures on-screen.

Identity and Diaspora: Heather Agyepong

Heather Agyepong is a contemporary artist and actor. Winner of the Jerwood / Photoworks Award 2022, she has achieved worldwide recognition from Foam Talent, Prix Pictet and more. She will discuss how lens-based practices and performance can explore mental health and wellbeing in diasporic communities through examining versions of history.

Larry Achiampong: Cross Cultural and Digital Identities

Larry Achiampong is an artist, filmmaker and musician who has been nominated for the Jarman Award (2021) and longlisted for a BAFTA in 2023. This year, he also won the Aesthetica Art Prize. His work uses archival material, film and live performance to explore cross-cultural and digital identity, class and gender. In this masterclass, he discusses about how his body of work examines communal and personal heritage.

Matthew Herbert: All Sound Can Be Music

Matthew Herbert’s 30-year career spans dancefloor tracks, musical scores and experimental albums. Screen-based projects include the Oscar-winning A Fantastic Woman (2017), Disobedience (2018), Noughts + Crosses (2020) and The Wonder (2022).  In this masterclass, Herbert discusses his career and the process behind his latest record made from a horse skeleton, titled The Horse (2023).

Michel Haddi: An Icon of Fashion Photography

Michel Haddi has worked in the fashion industry for over 30 years, collaborating with French Vogue, Vanity Fair and Harper’s Bazaar. Armani and Yves Saint-Laurent are some of his clients, in addition to celebrities like Kate Moss. Here, the photographer will speak with artist Sadie Clayton about the industry and the rise of fashion film. He will explore the interdisciplinary nature of fashion photography as well as discuss his evolving career through new technologies.