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Exhibitions .

Welcome to Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2022
Aesthetica celebrates creativity in all forms. See the stellar work of ground-breaking photographers. Witness the artistry of movie posters. Experience an immersive deep listening installation. We are delighted to present three outstanding exhibitions and immersive experiences that speak to our selection of film, games and VR experiences throughout the festival.
Until 13 November | City Screen

Inside (Out)

Aesthetica and City Screen bring you the stellar work of photographers from the Aesthetica Art Prize: Alice Duncan, Ingrid Weyland and Rebecca Reeve.

We are pleased to open Inside(Out), an exciting exhibition showcasing the work of three female photographers who engage with pressing issues though lens-based media. Art offers hope and solutions to problems that are bigger than any one individual or country. Our world is changing at a cataclysmic speed; from the all-encompassing nature of technology to the very real threats posed by the climate emergency, alongside the residual legacies of colonialism. From the Aesthetica Art Prize, Alice Duncan, Ingrid Weyland and Rebecca Reeve each tackle these problems with timely and thought-provoking work. They survey the fragility of our planet, the ethics of representation whilst offering hope in a time of growing uncertainty.

8-11 November 10:30-20:00 | 12 November 10:30-18:00 | Bedern Hall

Flux & Possibilities

Flux & Possibilities is a deep listening multi-channel sound installation by Derbyshire born, London-based sound artist, Martyn Riley.

Become immersed in Martyn Riley’s durational sound piece. It is a collaboration with a multitude of female identifying interviewees who share their personal identities and histories, highlighting their experiences and ideologies about feminism, inequality and gendered spaces. This emphasis on space, place and gender aims to air testimonies and personal opinions connected to the nature of power and control. The artist has created sounds connected directly to these stories of geographics, experience and memory, ensuring their voices are heard. Join us for deep listening. Sit or lie on the cushions provided and dive-in to the experience.

8-12 November | 11:00-19:00 | Streetlife, Yo1 9QL

Film Poster Exhibition

We are pleased to present the first ever Film Poster Exhibition, comprised of 20 film posters from our Official Selection.

The first promotional movie poster was created in 1895. Fast forward into the 20th century and posters became an integral method for generating audiences and interest in the latest screening. Film posters can remind us of timeless classics or excite us about upcoming releases. Today, the art behind many movie releases is often captivating and attention-grabbing. This is why we are pleased to present our inaugural Film Poster Exhibition. In this free show, you will see 20 of our shortlisted submissions selected from the Official Selection. Please feel free to take selfies with each poster and tag #ASFF2023FilmPosters.

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